Kvalitet siden 1910
Møbler med personlighed
Farstrup Furniture har siden 1910 produceret dansk design i danske omgivelser. Hvad startede ud som et savværk fra gamle togskinner, er i dag stadig en stolt produktionsvirksomhed midt på Fyn.
Plus 5040, also called MultiPlus, is a recliner with high seating comfort and unique auxiliary functions, such as a built-in footrest and electronic seat lift function. Plus 5040 is part of Farstrup's large Plus series. It has a classic design that makes it timeless, while at the same time the many auxiliary functions benefit the user and the staff, e.g. during transfers.
Plus 5040 is equipped with 3 motors, each of which regulates footrests, back and seat lift. The back and footrest can be adjusted to bring the user to a horizontal lying position, and the seat lift can help the user stand up. This makes it a versatile chair that approaches an assistive device. It is therefore particularly well suited in situations where the relief of the staff is desired. Be it in common rooms or living rooms in hospitals, living rooms in care centers and other institutions.
The Multiplus 5040 is available with a number of accessory/add-on functions which increase the possibilities of use. Castors (0386), rechargeable battery etc. For complete list see specifications under more info.
The chair is stylish in design and can be delivered in solid oak or beech wood with various surface treatments. The cover can be freely chosen from a wide range of quality textiles, leather and artificial leather in a myriad of colours.
Contact Farstrup Furniture if you need special solutions.
Design: Hans J. Frydendal, MMD.
Shown in photo
Model: Plus 5040
Measure etc
Width: 71 cm
Depth: 72 cm
Height: 116 cm
Seat height: 47 cm
Plus 5040 is available in a wide selection of leather and quality textiles.
We cooperate with, among other things with Gabriel, Kvadrat, Nevotex and Sørensen Leather.
Plus 5040 is available with a frame in solid beech wood.
It is offered in various stain forms.
Beech: Natural lacquer, bright lacquer, cherry, brown, teak, mahogany and black stained.
Castors Ø75 mm, central brake on rear wheel (0376)
Castors Ø75 mm (0386)
Castors on the back legs (moving chair) (0387)
Rechargeable battery (0782)
Protective cushion (0700)
Kvalitet siden 1910
Møbler med personlighed
Farstrup Furniture har siden 1910 produceret dansk design i danske omgivelser. Hvad startede ud som et savværk fra gamle togskinner, er i dag stadig en stolt produktionsvirksomhed midt på Fyn.
Morten FalckKan bekræfte at stolen Cantate er en fantastisk og meget lækker stol. Har nu haft min siden 2018 - den "springer" op på ryggen af mig hver gang jeg kommer hjem.
Kristina Krisser TorningSuper god service og lænestol. Det er den bedste lænestol jeg nogensinde har siddet i og jeg fik rigtig følelsen af, at jeg fik en stol unikt lavet til mig.
Ole KirkHar købt 2 stk Farstrup lænestole - Først købte vi en da min kone har spinalstenose i ryggen - da vi så hvilken støtte og komfort der var, måtte manden også ha' en ! Jøsses hvor er vi glade for dem - Tak Farstrup.
Katrine LehdGode stole - købte et par stykker i 90'erne i Hillerød og vi er stadig glade for dem. Rigtig gode otiumstole.
Our chairs can be made with a seat height that suits you.
We have been making chairs for over 100 years. That is why we have a long tradition of good craftsmanship.
All our furniture is produced in our own factory in Denmark.