Nobel 8900 - Contract
Nobel 8900 - Contract
Nobel 8900 - Contract
Lænestol, model Nobel 8900 med stel i massiv natur eg og polster i lys grå tekstil, stående foran stort vinduesparti i lys stue

Nobel 8900 - Contract

Nobel 8900 is a slim recliner in solid oak, whose slender back gives a noble expression with beautiful Nordic features and Danish design style.

Nobel 8900 is designed with great focus on sitting comfort and the possibility of stepless adjustment of the back with the external locking handle in brass. The upper part of the back can also be adjusted for optimal support of the neck – regardless of the inclination of the backrest.

Nobel is well suited for common areas in care centres, living rooms in hospitals and other institutions that want elegance and Danish quality. Nobel will also do well in lounge areas at hotels or conference centres.

Nobel 8900 is also available in the model Nobel 8920, which has earflaps. For the chairs, there is also a footstool with the possibility of an inclined position of the seat - 8990. The Nobel series is completed with a sofa and sofa chair.
Nobel's frame is made of solid oak and has round edges and plastered arms, and can be covered with a wide variety of textiles, leather and artificial leather in a myriad of colours.

The Nobel series also includes sofa chair 8981, 2½-person sofa 8982 and the rocking chairs 8950 and 8945

Contact Farstrup Furniture if you need a special solution.

Design: Ole Tornøe Olesen

Shown in photo
Model: Nobel 8900 & 8990

Measure etc
Width: 69 cm
Depth: 72 cm
Height: 116 cm


Nobel 8900 is available in a wide selection of leather and quality textiles.

We cooperate with, among other things with Gabriel, Kvadrat, Nevotex and Sørensen Leather.

Removable cover and urine cloth
Protective cushion with urine cloth

Nobel 8900 is available with a frame in solid oak and is offered in different stains:
Oak: Natural varnish, light net varnish, brown and black stained.

Kvalitet siden 1910

Møbler med personlighed

Farstrup Furniture har siden 1910 produceret dansk design i danske omgivelser. Hvad startede ud som et savværk fra gamle togskinner, er i dag stadig en stolt produktionsvirksomhed midt på Fyn.

Kunderne siger om Farstrup

Kan bekræfte at stolen Cantate er en fantastisk og meget lækker stol. Har nu haft min siden 2018 - den "springer" op på ryggen af mig hver gang jeg kommer hjem.

Morten Falck

Super god service og lænestol. Det er den bedste lænestol jeg nogensinde har siddet i og jeg fik rigtig følelsen af, at jeg fik en stol unikt lavet til mig.

Kristina Krisser Torning

Har købt 2 stk Farstrup lænestole - Først købte vi en da min kone har spinalstenose i ryggen - da vi så hvilken støtte og komfort der var, måtte manden også ha' en ! Jøsses hvor er vi glade for dem - Tak Farstrup.

Ole Kirk

Gode stole - købte et par stykker i 90'erne i Hillerød og vi er stadig glade for dem. Rigtig gode otiumstole.

Katrine Lehd